Bashar—The Influence of the Illuminati. | You are Not Trying to Eradicate the Illuminati (You Think So, But Your Soul Knows Better). SOURCE IS ALL, and Dark Will ALWAYS Exist for the Student-Souls. You’re Working to Ascend Beyond That Hardcore School!
Alex “Off the Deep End” (6/6/23): Inter-Dimensional Beings, Demons, Light Frequencies Your 3rd Dimensional Avatar/Biological Body isn’t Designed to See, Plant Medicine, and More. — #RealTalk for the Final Battle for 5D!
Most are “in Love” (Addicted/Obsessed) with Being in Love. Some Even Project a “Twin Flame” to Validate the Addiction. Not Only is This Not TRUE Love, But is Leads to Heartbreak and Soul Fragmentation, and at it’s Most Extreme: Soul Corruption!