3 years agoStar Wars the Old Republic | Purple Outline Color Crystal | Bloom Enabled | Highest Detail SettingsTheWanderingSorcerer
4 years agoSWTOR DPS Lightning Sorcerer - Belsavis Heroic Mission: A Rock and a Hard Place. Laptop GameplayTheWanderingSorcerer
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4 years agoSWTOR Alderaan Heroic Mission | Spring Thaw | 6.0 Onslaught Lightning Sorcerer | 9700k | 2070tiTheWanderingSorcerer
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3 years agoSWTOR Lightning Sorcerer PVE Gameplay | Flashpoint Boarding Party | Boss Fight - HXI 54TheWanderingSorcerer
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5 years agoSWTOR Madness Sorcerer | Master Flashpoint | Hammerstation | DN-314 Tunneler | Level 75 | 2019TheWanderingSorcerer
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3 years agoSWTOR Lightning Sorcerer Boss Fight - DN-314 Tunneler | Hammerstation Flashpoint | Master ModeTheWanderingSorcerer
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