4 months agoHis Name Is The Lord | with Lyrics | Based on Psalm 68 (NLT) | Female Christian SongsA Psalm Sings
2 years agoWAKE UP, MAKE UP, SHAKE UP - SOAD Chop Suey! (Jn 6:53, Rev 3:2-3, Eph 4:31-32, I Pet 4:7-11)For The Tribulation Saints
4 months agoETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “sport” - c. 1400, "take pleasure, enjoy or amuse oneself," from Old French desporter, "to divert, please; to seek amusement," etymologically "carry away" 🕎Psalms 83;1-9 KJVRoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
1 year agoONLY JESUS GOD Offers Total Forgiveness For ALL Sin To Enter The Kingdom Of GODFor The Tribulation Saints
2 years agoShare Your Life with Me - Chris Cornell Before We Disappear (Psm 79:11, 34:18, Is 61:1)For The Tribulation Saints