9 days agoPastor Paul Washer | We can never boast, because only by the blood of Jesus are we saved. #salvationIMTHEWRETCH
9 days agoPastor Paul Washer | We can never boast, because only by the blood of Jesus are we saved. #salvationManOnAMission316
21 days agoPaul McCartney - Coming Up = Musikladen 1980Last Century Music Videos ( POP FROM EVERY YEAR SINCE THE THIRTIES )
9 days agoPastor Paul Washer | We can never boast, because only by the blood of Jesus are we saved. #salvationFollowerOfChristJesus316
24 days agoPaul McCartney - Coming Up = Musikladen 1980Last Century Music Videos ( POP FROM EVERY YEAR SINCE THE THIRTIES )
1 month agoIron Maiden (Paul Dianno) - Remember Tomorrow = German TV 1980Last Century Music Videos ( POP FROM EVERY YEAR SINCE THE THIRTIES )
4 months agoPaul Carr & Freda Holloway (voices Connie Francis & Paul Carr) - Who Are We To Say = 1957Last Century Music Videos ( POP FROM EVERY YEAR SINCE THE THIRTIES )
17 days agoPastor Paul Washer | God’s Perfect Love: The Gift That Changes Everything. #GodsloveFollowerOfChristJesus316
17 days agoPastor Paul Washer | God’s Perfect Love: The Gift That Changes Everything. #GodsloveIMTHEWRETCH
8 months agoPaul Tripp gives counsel: How Can I Overcome the Sin of Pornography?Questions on Contemporary Issues? * Answers: constantinalecse@gmail.com
17 days agoPastor Paul Washer | God’s Perfect Love: The Gift That Changes Everything. #GodsloveManOnAMission316