Yuval Noah Harari | "The Issue of Whether the Climate Crisis Is Real That's a Purely Scientific Issue. It's Not a Matter for Politicians or Even for Voters to Say If It's Real or Not."
Rudy Giuliani | "Just Announced They Withdrew Their Lawsuit (the Laptop from Hell Lawsuit) Against the Greatest Mayor In History of NY City, On the Basis That Everything He Said Was True. Everything Rudy Giuliani Said Was True."
Cyber Pandemic | "Pay Sufficient Attention to the Frightening Scenario of a Comprehensive Cyber Attack. COVID-19 Crisis Would Be Seen As Small Disturbance In Comparison to a Major Cyber Attack." - Klaus Schwab 7/8/2020
Climate Change | "To Solve the Climate Crisis We Will Have to Give Up Some of Our Most Cherished Needs." - Yuval Noah Harari | "You've Probably Heard That 97% of Scientists Have Agreed That Humans Are Responsible for Climate Change?
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Need to Trust Alot of Institutions In Order for Democracy to Function. Dictatorship On the Other Hand It Functions On the Basis of Distrust. For a Dictator It's a Good Thing That People Don't Trust What They Hear On
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko | "All This Study Proved Is That If You Poison People They Die. They Used A Fraudulent Document To Be The Basis Of Taking Out A Medicine That Worked."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Trump Is Destroying the U.S. Alliance System Around the World." and "In Order to Solve the Climate Crisis We Will Need to Give Up Alot of Our Most Cherished Needs."
Ann Vandersteel | "People Were Dying. It Was A Crisis And There Was One Man Who Listened To God And Dared To Question The Establishment Medical Protocols."