11 months agoJohn Lear on what the president would say about UFO's l #johnlear #uap #ufo #ufologyXtraterrestrialTruth
23 days agoNitric Oxide Supplements-ZTOX-ZSPIKE Stew Peters promo-days old,codes should work-more info in DESCRVax Detox
5 months agoHave YOU Lost Control Of Your Mind Body & Spirit!? John Thor 🎯See Desc🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
2 years ago#memeology #johntalks Well some of us can get some sleep they just have to fly through the air😂DavonteJ
1 month agoMel Gibson-3 friends cured stage 4 cancer w/IVM-Fenben-HCQ-Methylene Blue: a salt used to dye fabricVax Detox
2 years ago#memeology #johntalks Elon Musk got the solution for the war! So listen up you plebs! 🤣DavonteJ