2 years agoJesus Christ Invites All to Believe and be Baptized 3 Nephi 12:1-2 | Book of Mormon Videosfaithtoact
4 years agoKing Benjamin Teaches His People to Believe in God | Mosiah 4 | #FaithToAct | Book of Mormon Videosfaithtoact
4 years agoAbinadi Prophesies and Is Cast into Prison | Mosiah 11–12 | Book of Mormon | #FaithToActfaithtoact
4 years agoKing Benjamin Teaches His People to Keep the Commandments of God | Mosiah 2 | #FaithToActfaithtoact
3 years agoThe Light of Christmas: A Message from President Russell M. Nelson #LightTheWorld #FaithToActFaith to Act ~ Come Unto Christ
2 years agoBrightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy - MUST SEE #faithtoact #comeuntochrist #christianityfaithtoact
4 years agoAlma and Amulek Are Miraculously Delivered from Prison | Alma 14 | Book of Mormon | Faith To Actfaithtoact
1 year agoCome to Jesus Christ #faithtoact #religion #faithinspired #comeuntochrist #christianhymnfaithtoact
2 years agoJesus Christ Teaches Repentance and Baptism | 3 Nephi 11 22–41 | Book of Mormon Videosfaithtoact
5 years agoLehi Sees an Iron Rod and Those Who Fall Away | 1 Nephi 8:19–28 | Book of Mormon Videos|Faith To Actfaithtoact
4 years agoZeezrom Believes, and the Righteous Are Persecuted | Alma 14 | Book of Mormon Videos | Faith To Actfaithtoact