Produced 100,000 COVID-19 Vaccine Doses In 2019 Before The 'Pandemic' Started. He recalls a conversation and said, that in 2019 he stated 'We need to make a billion doses next year, there's going to be a pandemic.'
Jimmy Dore goes nuclear on the Military-Industrial Complex: The Look On Tucker Carlson's Face 🤣 - There Will Be No More Funding For Fox After This One!
Kristen took a COVID JAB Bioweapon and soon after had severe convulsions, facial numbness, inability to control her head. She goes to hospital and doctors ask her to leave because there’s nothing they can do
Australian Senator Alex Antic Warning: Government is ramping up plans for a social credit score future with the official release of "Smart Cities" Communist Australia on the horizon
World eminent Cardiologist Prof.Abdullah Alabdulgader calls for suspension of mRNA jab because of cardiac harm concerns - *President of The international congress for advanced cardiac sciences *Founder of Prince Sultan Cardiac Center/Saudi Arabia
What a gross piece of propaganda. #FamilyGuy - This Is How They Are Attempting To Normalize The Next Time They Blame The Un-Injected For The Next "Varient"
(LOOK @ HIS SMILE) Monique was able to give Trudeau a piece of her mind. I just got off the phone with her she’s been waiting so long to say this to him. #TrudeauForTreason #Bioweapons 💉💉💉
General Laura J. Richardson did a sit down discussion with the Atlantic Council where it sure sounds like she’s saying the US government is trying to arm Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua with brand new U.S. equipment in exchange for them giving their old..
UN Secretary-General António Guterres: "We'll call for action from everywhere with influence on the spread of 'mis- and disinformation' on the Internet."
1986: Manufacturers Threatened to Stop Making Vaccines Unless the Government Granted Liability Protections. "They could not make a profit because the amount of liability they had to pay exceeded their revenue."
An artificial womb that successfully grew a baby lamb. We are finally at the stage where we are playing God & the next stage will be large scale human clone production.
World Government Summit Panel Discusses the 'Shock' Needed for the World Order Transformation. "To me the big question is how are we going to go through this cannot be gradual, it has to be driven by a certain shock that
World Health Organization Article 19-22 The Removal Of Your Rights: CONSTITUTION OF WHO. 7. Article 19. The Health Assembly shall have authority to adopt conventions: (LINK BELOW👇)