MacGruber Or Joe Biden? Who Would You Rather Be President Of the United States? MacGruber or Joe Biden? PLEASE LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS - "I Want to Hear from You." - Clay Clark
CBDCs | "When You Look At Vaccine Refusers, We'll Just Get Rid of All of the White In the United States." - Carol Baker (Chair of the CDC Advisory Committee On Immunization Appointed By President Obama)
Killer Robots | "We Got Several Leading Robotics Companies, In China, the United States & In Europe to Co-Sign a Letter That Said We Would Not Put Weapons On Robots." - Robert Player (CEO of Boston Dynamics, the Creators of Humanoid Atlas)
The CCP will use the outbreak of the vaccine disaster as an opportunity to defeat Europe and the United States of America. Miles Guo: October 16, 2022 2022.10.16 中共把疫苗灾难的爆发视为战胜欧美的机会