1 year agoSтatement Dragi Zmijanac TV SITEL Violence and Fight among young people in MacedoniaChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
5 months agoStatement Dragi Zmijanac Founder&President of the First Children's Embassy in the World MEGJASHIChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
1 year agoDragi Zmijanac, MA – Përfaqësues dhe Mbrojtës i të Drejtave të FëmijëveFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
3 months agoСветски ден на детето. World Children's Day. Изјави/Statements: Kailash Satyarthi & Dragi ZmijanacChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
6 months agoThe abolition of the chemical castration of pedophiles has raised the public! Guest Dragi ZmijanacChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
6 months agoAward Angel of the Year 2008 Interview with Dragi Zmijanac TV ALSAT - MFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
5 months agoHalf of children in the world experience some form of violence Dragi Zmijanac FounderChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
1 year agoHemiska kastracija za pedofilite i centralen register Izjava Dragi ZmijanacChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
1 year agoAward Angel of the Year 2008 Interview with Dragi Zmijanac TV ALSAT - MChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
6 months agoStatement Dragi Zmijanac Founder and President of the First Children's Embassy in the World MegjashiFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
10 months agoMegjashi alarmon për gjendjen psikologjike të fëmijëve në Maqedoni,First Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
10 months agoMegjashi alarmon për gjendjen psikologjike të fëmijëve në Maqedoni,ChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
1 year agoAppeal on the occasion of the youth demonstrations TV 24casa 13.6.2011 Dragi ZmijanacChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
1 year agoEmine Erdoğan, wife of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey visit MegjashiFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
1 year agoMrs.Erdogan and Mrs. Gruevska Visit the Children's EmbassyFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
1 year agoDragi Zmijanac, MA - Advocacy and Children's Rights DefenderFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
1 year agoDragi Zmijanac President First Children Embassy in the World Megjashi IC "Create Your Place to Grow"First Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
1 year ago31 years of the First Children's Embassy Megjashi Interview Dragi ZmijanacChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
10 months ago„Водич за улогата на родителите во превенција и справување со насилство во училиштата“.First Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
10 months agoDhuna nga bashkëmoshatarët po ndodh gjithnjë e më shumëFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
1 year agoReagon ambasada “Megjashi” për keqpërdorimin e të miturës nga TetovaFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
3 months agoNo Tomorrow (Un Lugar Sin Mañana) | Official Trailer | BayView EntertainmentBayviewEntertainment