1 year agoDr. Ronald Weikl: Egyetlen tanulmány sincsen, ami bebizonyítaná, hogy a maszkok védelmet nyújtanak!Tisztanlatasert
3 years agoDr. David Martin explains Canada’s role in the “vaccine” program! #TrudeauForTreasonnonvaxer420
3 years agoÄrztetag fordert Impfpflicht für Kinder - Dr. Ronald Weikl, MWGFD e.V. nimmt dazu StellungJazzurfreiheit
3 years agoPhizer C.E.O. admit jabs and Boosters are a failure - I guess they didn't kill enough people fast enough for his likingnonvaxer420
8 months agoQ Clock SHITSHOW Underway + Multiple Disclosure Links In All DescriptionsVeteransAgainstTreason
2 months agoColton Berrett – Strong & Healthy 13 Year Old Boy Paralyzed From The HPV VaccineWaking the World up