1 year agoLIVE Bible Q&A | Critical Thinking | Josephus - Antiquities Book 9 - Ch. 4 (Part 133)ChristopherEnoch
1 year agoSkiba Uses the Shotgun Fallacy - Fact Checking Rob Skiba #christopherenoch #bible #criticalthinkingChristopherEnoch
1 year agoHarold Camping and Rob Skiba Use the SAME Tactics #flatearth #robSkiba #ChristopherEnochChristopherEnoch
1 year agoHyperliteralist Skiba Makes Fun of Literalism #christopherenoch #biblestudy #jesus #bibleChristopherEnoch
1 year agoMajor Church Denominations That Reject the Book of Revelation! #christopherenoch #biblebook #godChristopherEnoch
1 year agoIf we deliberately keep sinning....#God #biblereading #hebrews1026 #sin #christopherenoch #JudgeChristopherEnoch