You can't make this shit up. Creepy Joe: "We've run a campaign that's basically scandal free. That's hard to do in American politics." Cackling Kamala cackles.
Cackling Kamala tells the audience she has "no regrets" about being a stand-up comedian and is "not going to be dispirited" after her embarrassing campaign and defeat.
Who cares about hurricanes, tornadoes, and struggling Americans? Cackling Kamala campaigning in Scottsdale, Arizona: "The way I like to lead - I bring folks in my office & I want them be prepared. Yeah! Hahaha. No time to waste!"
Cackling Kamala explains the difficulty with those lids on the Starbucks cups: She is just that kind of "so eloquent, so quick, so intelligent" person you want running the country.
Word salad. Cackling Kamala trying to describe her plan to fix the economy we have under her administration for the past 4 years: "Looking holistically at the incentives to actually engage in planning in a holistic manner."
Another obviously fake "famous" story from cackling Kamala: "My grandmother would go into villages in India, because she was Indian, with a bullhorn, talking with the women about the need to have access to abortions."
VP Ding-Dong Classics. Cackling Kamala to young Hispanic and Latino Americans: "You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context."
BREAKING! Cackling Kamala makes another super genius statement for brainwashed youth: "Here's the thing — we were all born knowing that there's nothing we can take for granted."
Cackling Kamala: "They're taking reproductive freedom from the people & women! We too busy watchin' what you doin' to hear what you're saying! We're fighting to lower energy costs! Trump wants to roll back our progress!
"One of the most capable, influential, bold, and fearless thinkers ever," word salad champion cackling Kamala: "Ovaries! Ha ha ha! Fallopian tubes! Right?"
Misunderstood genius cackling Kamala: "We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you, sometimes they won't, and then you need to kick that f**king door down! Ha ha ha! Excuse my language! Ha ha ha!"