4 months agoBrány Skeldalu 1 / The Gates of Skeldal 1 - Walkthrough/Videonávod |0| [CZ/EN]Templayer's Old Gaming Corner
4 months agoPojďme Hrát Brány Skeldalu 2: Pátý Učedník |17| Nějaká Kniha {CZ}Templayer's Old Gaming Corner
4 months agoLet's Play The Gates of Skeldal 2: The Fifth Disciple |17| Some Book {EN}Templayer's Old Gaming Corner
4 months agoThe Gates of Skeldal - Solving the problem with the missing POPISY.TXT file [CZ/EN]Templayer's Tutorials
4 months agoBrány Skeldalu 2 v okně ⁄ The Gates of Skeldal 2 Windowed Mode [CZ⁄EN]Templayer's Tutorials