Yuval Noah Harari & Natalie Portman (Oct 4th 2018) | "We Have This Myth of Free Will And This Is a Myth That Served Us Well for a Few Centuries, But Now It's Becoming Dangerous. Religion Is Now Most Harmful." - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | "Do You Think That Democracy Is a Conversation Between Humans? In the U.S. There Is a Legal Path for AI's to Really Take Over. In the U.S. a Corporation Is Considered a Legal Person." - 9/19/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "In the U.S. There Is a Completely Open Legal Path to Recognizing Non-Humans Devoid of Bodies As Legal Persons w/ Rights. Corporations Are Legal Persons That Have Freedom of Speech." - 9/25/24