President Trump STUNS Reporters/Media as He Calls for Nancy Pelosi to Be PROSECUTED for This! | From President Trump's FIERY Press Conference at Trump Tower, NYC (9/26/24)
F.B.I. Whistleblower KEEPS IT REAL with the American Public and Issues DIRE Warning! | #ITSGETTINGSERIOUSNOW #QanonWillSayTheMilitaryIsInControl –BUT– #TheMilitaryAreActuallyCriminalsAboutToSurrenderToHumanity
Vivek: "YES THERE WOULD BE!" [WE in 5D: "Yes, There Would Be, So Get Over it—That's What it Takes!" + Vivek Ramaswamy Tells Your EXACTLY Who The Illuminati Are, and What to Do with Them! SHUT. IT. DOWN.
Alex Confronts Former N.I.H. Director, Francis Collins at the Airport, Who Almost Seemed to Repent.. Simultaneously, Alex Jones is Revered by Supporters! | #Nuremberg2🔥🔱
Trump's Old Classmate with a Blast-From-The-Past Story, Which Doesn't Shock Most Who've Kept Track of Trump 40+ Years, But is Kept Hidden By the Modern-Liberals and Certainly Rothschild-Owned Illuminati Media!
Comments Section Buggin Out? Real or Fake, it's This Simple: DELETE/MUTE. That's Where We're at Now (We've BEEN There!) + RUMBLE NEEDS AN ON/OFF SWITCH FOR THE COMMENTS SECTION SOON. No Comments Needed Outside of Livestream Chats!
WATCH: Miss Thang in the Middle with an in-Real-Time Titty-Attack! Then Watch Her Realize She's on a TV Show and Has to Relax a Little. | Daily Show Focus Group of Black Voters—"I Didn't See That Coming!"
Biden Just Got COVID: 1. This is an Opportunity for the Illuminati to X Him—"COVID to Get Him Out of the Race"?, 2. Joy Reid Argues Biden Getting COVID is Exactly Like Trump Getting Shot (Stupidity Overload!)
Comments Section Buggin Out? Real or Fake, it's This Simple- DELETE/MUTE. That's Where We're at Now (We've –BEEN– There!) + RUMBLE NEEDS AN ON/OFF SWITCH FOR THE COMMENTS SECTION NOW. No Comments Needed Outside of Livestream Chats!