1. Psalm 91: 1-10 of 16 "His faithfulness will be your strong defence." Tune: Eventide. Sing Psalms

    Psalm 91: 1-10 of 16 "His faithfulness will be your strong defence." Tune: Eventide. Sing Psalms

  2. Psalm 7 v6-11 of 17 "Arise, O LORD, in wrath against my foes, Against the rage of all who me oppose"

    Psalm 7 v6-11 of 17 "Arise, O LORD, in wrath against my foes, Against the rage of all who me oppose"

  3. Psalm 113 "O praise, you servants of the LORD; Sing praises to his holy name." Sing Psalms. 88 88 88

    Psalm 113 "O praise, you servants of the LORD; Sing praises to his holy name." Sing Psalms. 88 88 88

  4. Psalm 68 v1-4 &18-20 of 35 "May God arise and may his foes be scattered" To: Solid Rock. Sing Psalms

    Psalm 68 v1-4 &18-20 of 35 "May God arise and may his foes be scattered" To: Solid Rock. Sing Psalms

  5. Psalm 108 v1-7 of 13 "O Lord God, my heart is steadfast " Tune: Blanewern. Sing Psalms

    Psalm 108 v1-7 of 13 "O Lord God, my heart is steadfast " Tune: Blanewern. Sing Psalms

  6. Psalm 132 v10-18 of 18 "For the sake of your own servant, David, your appointed one" Tune: Blaenwern

    Psalm 132 v10-18 of 18 "For the sake of your own servant, David, your appointed one" Tune: Blaenwern
