How to Tell Life You’re Done with That Lesson (it’s Actually SO Easy) + The Simplest Way to Change Your Life! — Phil Good | #Shorts #SoEasy #InLessThan60Seconds
TRUMP READS (((VIBRATION))) | WE in 5D: This Could Even Repel a Supporter/Fan Who Believes in Grace Just a Little Too Much, BUT Here is Simple Truth... SURE, One CAN Shift Vibration/Change—FEW EVERRR DO #HowManyTimesHaveYouFuckedAroundAndFoundOut?
I’m Not Interested in Staunch Democrats, Nor Staunch Republicans, or Even Spiritual Activists with Skewed and Over-Stressed World Views. I’m Just Interested in the Objective Truth/Reality—And That Would Have to be the Case Before World-Change!