2 years agoA Shot Every Six Months per 'Professor' Bill Gates: "You Can Tell It's a Vaccine Agenda Forever!"CrossWare
2 years agoThis Is Not up for Debate: On a Clear and Convincing Basis, These Vaccines Are Causing DeathCrossWare
11 months agoSupreme Court considers whether White House etc. censored social media (NurembergTrials.net)(NurembergTrials.net)
10 months agoThree Mechanisms of Action for Cancer From mRNA Covid "Vaccines"Covid_Vaccine_Adverse_Reactions
1 year agoDr. McCullough: The COVID Vaccines Are Causing the ‘Largest Blood Clots We’ve Ever Seen’Not MSM
1 year agoIt's Been Clear Now for a Year and a Half: There Is NO Medical EmergencyThe Rio Times: Latin America and Alternative Narratives
2 years agoModerna + Pfizer tenía el código genético de la proteína Spike antes de la pandemia.Comunidad_Despierta
2 years agoUpdated Boosters Are 'Destined to Fail in Humans': Those Accountable Need to be Brought to JusticeRaisingAwareness
2 years agoVaccine Mandates Violated Medical Ethics, the Provision of Informed Consent, and the Nuremberg CodeRaisingAwareness
2 years agoThe Damage Is Undeniable: "The Only New Thing That Happened in 2021 Is the COVID-19 Vaccine"CrossWare