2 years agoMike Pompeo on Adam Schiff: "As CIA Director - I Know He Leaked Classified Information"The Gateway PunditVerified
11 months agoCIA Deployed on January 6th | TONIGHT on TIPPING POINT 🟧One America News NetworkVerified
3 months agoBiden is like a suicide bomber at this point’ — ex-CIA analystGitmoTV - TRIBUNALS for JUSTICE
2 months agoDeclassified CIA documents reveals an awful experiment using poison fog conducted on its own peopleFree Your Mind Videos
1 month ago⚡USAID is a CIA front that used $5B in 2014 to ignite a Color Revolution in Ukrainegalacticstorm
2 months agoDirector of the CIA authorized six case officers to be paid off … to lie to the worldNewsVariableVerified
3 years agoFormer CIA Director John Brennan Predicts 'Putin's Days Are NumberedThe Daily CallerVerified
1 month agoMichael Shellenberger: USAID plus the CIA are both linked to Donald Trump's impeachment.Question EverythingVerified
26 days ago历史的安排,就是让美国从新中国联邦身上挖出所有和共产党的勾兑者,卖美贼! FBI、CIA、司法部会彻彻底底暴露,傅希秋等共产党特务会一个不剩被挖出! 最后就是两党一致灭共,立法承Himalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
26 days ago媒体是第一大权力! 改变世界的是:科技加媒体! 美国白宫、五角大楼、FBI、CIA、财政部、国土资源部、全世界的名人最怕的就是:媒体! 全世界的政治政策,金融政策,军事政策都深深被Himalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
1 year agoScott Ritter: Nawalny war ein von der CIA trainierter Unruhestifter, um Putin zu stürzenRT DEVerified
1 month agoUSAID and CIA Helped Orchestrate Trumps Impeachment: ShellenbergerMr Producer MediaVerified
2 months agoThe CIA WAS PAYING people off to BURY the "LAB LEAK" information on Cov*d!NewsVariableVerified