1 year agoCivil War cow tag #coins #treasure #relic #buttons #metaldetecting #coin #silverCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agotip of the week #relics #coins #buttons #metaldetecting #civilwar #confederate #silver #trendingCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agosurface indian! #relics #coins #buttons #civilwar #metaldetecting #silver #trending #confederateCNYRELICPOSSE
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1 year agocoinage #relics #trending #silver #metaldetecting #civilwar #buttons #coins #confederateCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agolittle balls #relics #battle #coins #buttons #trending #metaldetecting #civilwar #silverCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agocottonfield buckle #relics #coins #buttons #battle #metaldetecting #silver #civilwar #deusCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agoClad Quarter #relics #trending #silver #civilwar #metaldetecting #buttons #coins #battleCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year ago1951d wheatie #relics #trending #silver #civilwar #metaldetecting #battle #buttons #coinsCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agocoinage #relics #coins #buttons #battle #metaldetecting #civilwar #trending #silverCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year ago1941S Wheatie #trending #silver #civilwar #metaldetecting #battle #buttons #coins #relicsCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year ago2005 graduation thingie #trending #silver #civilwar #metaldetecting #battle #buttons #coins #relicsCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year ago10 September wrap up #relics #trending #silver #civilwar #metaldetecting #battle #buttons #coinsCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agoBill's Coat Button #trending #silver #civilwar #metaldetecting #battle #buttons #coins #relicsCNYRELICPOSSE
1 year agotiny manhole cover #relics #coins #buttons #metaldetecting #civilwar #silver #trending #battlefieldCNYRELICPOSSE