2 years agoLouis Hay and…….. Madonna!? The Eerily Perfectly Aligning Meditation & Visual. Like The Wizard of Oz and Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of The Moon. DIDGA MISS IT? Watch BOTH The MDNA Tour “Tarot Project”, and The Shadow Interview with David Vernon!WEin5DTarot
1 year agoAndrew Tate Global Warming is all about controlling us #andrewtate #redpill #joerogan #shots #shortREDPILLOFFTHEMATRIX
1 year agoModern Women Are Single Because Of This Mindset: Heated Debate on @KingRichez Podcast #redpillTribeStoics
2 years agoExigências femininas , agora imagine um homem falando a mesma coisa. #redpill #mgtow #memesZezaoredpill