1 year ago"This traitor betrayed Canada." "Trudeau in the Eternal Lake of Fire, God's Judgement is Coming."HARPAXO
2 years ago"the best vaccine is natural immunity" 'dr' Fauci sociopath. Bind this Ashkenazi in Yeshua's name Amen!HARPAXO
2 years agoblood clot explosions in the head - brain anuerism courtesy of the vaccine bioweaponHARPAXO
2 years ago"Liar Brett Sutton resides in the Eternal Lake of Fire. Bind this prickster in Yeshua's name; amen!" Greg LockeHARPAXO
2 months agoBOO And YAH! The Keystone State Could Very Well Bring The Blue Wall Tumbling DownNewsVids
2 years agoDoctors under the age of 30 are dying at 8X the rate they were before the kill shots say an MD.HARPAXO
1 year ago"Did you get lucky with the kill-jab?" Vaccines Kill. Vaccination muders rampant. Politicians cast into the Eternal Lake of Fire. God's Judgement Coming."HARPAXO
2 years ago"W.H.O. is like unto the Beast. W.H.O. is able to make war with Him" - Revelation 13:4HARPAXO