Biden : "The reason Hamas struck when they did because I was able to get a resolution to build a railroad from all the way through the Middle East, into Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc., and all the way up to Europe..."
Trudeau says of BC protestors at Victoria City Hall: "It's important that Canadians be able to express their views, express their disagreements with government”
You can't make this shit up. Biden: "I'm not able to go out in the crowds anymore. The Secret Service doesn't let me." Reporter: "Why not?" Biden: "They say it's too dangerous. No one gets to go out."
Elon Musk | "The More We Expand the Scope & Scale of Consciousness, the More That We Are Able to Understand the Reality That We Live In. As Douglas Adams Would Say In Hitchhikers's Guide to Galaxy, The Answer Is 42, What Is the Question?&quo