1. Sam talks about training Harley for the Creator Clash

    Sam talks about training Harley for the Creator Clash

  2. More plates more dates accidentally ROASTS Taylor

    More plates more dates accidentally ROASTS Taylor

  3. Wings doesn't want to come on PKA anymore

    Wings doesn't want to come on PKA anymore

  4. Woody gets offended when taylor implies that his wife controls who he votes for

    Woody gets offended when taylor implies that his wife controls who he votes for

  5. Giant man kidnaps family and makes them do chores

    Giant man kidnaps family and makes them do chores

  6. Taylor sneak disses Woody and gets HUSHED

    Taylor sneak disses Woody and gets HUSHED

  7. Joe Rogan’s entire being condensed into 19 Seconds

    Joe Rogan’s entire being condensed into 19 Seconds