#ArtificialIntelligence | "Medical Nanorobots, Little Robots That Are the Sized of Blood Cells That Finish the Job of the Immune System." - #RayKurzweil + "Adding to the Body a Second Immune System, Made Out of Millions of Tiny Nanorobots
Your self-appointed technocratic overlords are attempting to construct a digital open air prison all around you. Not "up to date" with your injections? Exceeded your weekly carbon allowance? Social credit score too low? Committed a thought crime
Tedros: "I have written to and spoken with high level Chinese leaders on multiple occasions... The continued politicization of the [Covid] origins research has turned what should be a purely scientific process into a geopolitical football."
Pfizer Caught Lying Again: Senator Gerard Rennick forced Pfizer to admit that they didn’t understand the mechanism by which the vaccine causes myocarditis & pericarditis. - Trust the $cience.
'Worse Than a War': An Estimated 500,000 Americans Have Lost Their Lives to the C19 Injections "If we use standard under-reporting factors from our vaccine event reporting system.
Dr. Michael Huang was a brave physician in California who treated "vaccine"-injured patients and wrote "vaccine" exemptions. This is the CA medical system at work. No mainstream doctors will speak out in support.
#BiodigitalConvergence Trudeau on AI in health care, quantum computing and vaccines: “The amount of computing power required to even begin to simulate clinical trials in a way that’s going to show promising paths is massive.” ⚠️
COVID-19 lockdowns, mandates, and vaccine passports sparked massive protests by millions across the globe. Has there ever been a larger global movement opposing tyranny?