Thomas Renz | "When I Start Talking About Statistics Their Eyes Glaze Over. But When I Tell Stories About People They Listen Because Deep, Deep, Deep, Down, Your Lawmakers Are Human."
CBDC | "We Could Imagine We Will Implant Them In Our Brains Or In Our Skin. There Will Be a Direct Communication Between Our Brain And the Digital World." - Klaus Schwab | "Ideally COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval N
Dr. Andy Wakefield | "The MMR Vaccine Might Have Been The Cause Of Autism. They Found It To Be Absolutely True; Then Spent 14 Years Destroying The Evidence."
Josh Yoder | “HR4980 Proposes That They Are Going To Lock You Down If You Are Unvaccinated And You Will Neither Be Able To Arrive Or Depart At US Airports Without Showing A Vaccine ID.” - Josh Yoder