2 years agoPfizer Whistleblower Attorney: Admit It’s Not A Vaccine In Their Contracts To Bypass Federal LawtailgunnerjimVerified
11 months ago"An Absolute, Non Questionable Leadership In All Health Matters"KStarockChannel Truth is learned - not told.
5 months agoCosa sta facendo l'UE per prevenire la prossima plandemia con virus sintetici fatti in laboratorio? Euronews ha visitato i biolaboratori BSL-3 a Monaco di Baviera e Augusta dove hanno i virus mortali che poi creano loro modificandoli VIDEO 20nov2023MERDALIA💩LA REPUBBLICA DELLE BANANE E DEGLI IDIOTI
2 months agoAlex Newman "The majority of the governors in this country have signed a letter... telling Joe Biden, and the UN, and the WHO, we will not comply"Libertarian99