I was getting furious listening to this insane "Vaccine" song but then I realized that it's so bad that it will actually help the cause. #CovidCULT #Stupidity
#14 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED - We DEMAND Senate Chairman Wendy Rogers Begin An Immediate Investigation Of The Information Presented At The February 23rd Election Meeting! JOIN The 1-CLICK Email All 110 Legislators & AZ Officials - Takes 2 Minutes!
#27 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Representative Stahl Hamilton (D) Brings Forth A Motion To Censure Representative Liz Harris - WHY AREN'T THEY INVESTIGATING THE INFORMATION PRESENTED?
#36 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Fraudulent Elections Allow Demons To Control Our Lives. How Banks Steal Your Money! South Park's Stan Gets A Reality Check
Naples, Italy 🇮🇹: The mayor banned fireworks on New Year's eve, due to Covid restrictions. €500 fine for anyone who violates the rules. This is how the Italians responded to these Covid restrictions: