Yuval Noah Harari | "We Can Fall All the Way Down Very Quickly Within Just a Few Years. If Bad Comes to Worse When the Flood Comes the Scientists Will Build a Noah's Ark for the Elite Leaving the Rest t o Drown."
What a gross piece of propaganda. #FamilyGuy - This Is How They Are Attempting To Normalize The Next Time They Blame The Un-Injected For The Next "Varient"
CDC Dep. Dir. Tom Shimabukuro Admits COVID Vaccines Are Causing "Debilitating Illnesses" "We are aware of these reports of people experiencing long-lasting health problems following COVID vaccination" #DamageControl
Yuval Noah Harari | "Think About the Politician You Most Hate In the World, and Take a Few Minutes to Think What Would They Do With THE TECHNOLOGY THAT I AM DEVELOPING RIGHT NOW?"
Teachers turning their pupils into gender confused little ones. It’s all about THEY and NON BINARY and the teachers feeling good about themselves with their own gender confusion in front of FOUR and FIVE year olds.