5 months agoSeptember 10, 2024: ABC News carries the water for Kamala Harris, proving MSM news is deadMy Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
5 months agoSeptember 17, 2024: Fallout from the Second Assassination Attempt on President Trump is frighting!My Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
4 months agoOctober 27, 2024: Dealing with nerve pain, last week here. Getting ready for what is nextMy Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
4 months agoOctober 20, 2024: I know where I need to be, away from this placeMy Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
6 months agoMyocarditis Up 2800% In Army Because ( we never 👎 learned shit 💩 from the Gulf War !! )VeteransAgainstTreason
5 months agoSeptember 3, 2024: At my wits end, running out of food. Something will come soon.My Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
5 months agoSeptember 12, 2024: Working on getting my life back, the final steps have begun...My Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
1 year agoMAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN BY MAKING AMERICANS!My Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
2 years agoStew Peter Show訪問Dr.Peter McCollough:這是一個令人痛苦的情況,在我生涯中從未見過!“談新冠疫苗實驗針劑受害者(C_19 vaccine)”mcy1227
4 months agoOctober 11, 2024: Still looking for work, the economy is still very badMy Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
1 year agoHelen Petousis-Harris, 14 Oct 2021 "Long-Term Effects Extremely Unlikely"CoronavirusPlushie
4 months agoNovember 1, 2024: Pushed myself this week; now paying the priceMy Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
5 months ago“We’re seeing teenage girls presenting with Stage 4 cancer…with no family history.TalkToTheBody
4 months agoOctober 29, 2024: Everything is falling into place, the next BOOK OF LIFE is about to begin!My Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
4 months agoOctober 21, 2024: Starting a new week, in a holding pattern for what is nextMy Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
4 months agoOctober 23, 2024: Interviewed for a job, leading with Empowerment for the next steps in my lifeMy Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
4 months agoOctober 24, 2024: I am just ready to move on, waiting for my funds to be releasedMy Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
4 months agoOctober 25, 2024: I am close on getting a new client! Things are looking up!My Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
4 months agoOctober 28, 2024: The next three days are the first step toward my future!My Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher HaynesVerified
7 months agoYou were more likely to suffer serious harm from taking the vaccine at a rate of 1 in 800,newstart2024Verified