1. No big deal.. Just four 30 ton whales swimming silently below! 😍

    No big deal.. Just four 30 ton whales swimming silently below! 😍

  2. kakapo, or owl parrot, Strigops habroptila (crochet)

    kakapo, or owl parrot, Strigops habroptila (crochet)

  3. An unrealistically lucky duck got out of the shark's mouth.

    An unrealistically lucky duck got out of the shark's mouth.

  4. Be honest, would this be a dream come true or would you pee your pants a little? 😂😍🐳

    Be honest, would this be a dream come true or would you pee your pants a little? 😂😍🐳

  5. A hippopotamus can kill a lion or a crocodile with one bite.

    A hippopotamus can kill a lion or a crocodile with one bite.

  6. worst live recording a have heard in a long time. This is disappointing.

    worst live recording a have heard in a long time. This is disappointing.

  7. KISS - Thrills in the Night (Short) #musicvideo #kiss #thrillsinthenight #animalize #joãocorreia

    KISS - Thrills in the Night (Short) #musicvideo #kiss #thrillsinthenight #animalize #joãocorreia