1 year agoUniversity Of Alabama: Optoepigenetics: (VLC) Using light to switch genes on and off (2015)nonvaxer420
1 year agoOptogenetics and Enhancing Brain Functions-A World Economic Forum Discussion-Ideas @Davos-WIRED" (2014)nonvaxer420
1 year agoNew tech allows doctors to treat patients remotely via an implantable device (2021)nonvaxer420
1 year agoAs predicted, their line is now "nobody was forced to take the jab". There's plenty of receipts.nonvaxer420
1 year ago“Now is the time to get your mask ready,” Dr. Tam says, not just for COVID but all respiratory viruses this fall. 😂nonvaxer420
5 months agoMicrowave Frequencies & Radiation Sickness, Dont Fall For Bill Gates PLandemic 2🎯SEE DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
1 year ago~ Proposed CA Bill To Remove Children From Their Parents' Homes ~Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan
1 year agoHow the FedNow (SM) Service Will Work - Straight From Federal Reserve Bank Services (2021)Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan
2 years agoThe Swiss make a list of the most wanted Globalists. - EVERY MAJOR CITY IN EVERY COUNTRY SHOULD BE DOING THIS!nonvaxer420
1 year agoMicrosoft Research: Humantenna: Using the Body as an Antenna for Real-Time Whole-Bodynonvaxer420
1 year agoChris Bettinger: Integrating Medical Devices into the Human Body: College Of Engineering, Carnegie (2018)nonvaxer420
2 years agoSURPRISE! New commercials NORMALIZING MYOCARDITIS IN KIDS. You parents that injected your children. How do you feel knowing you ruined you child's life because you CHOSE not to Research What You Were Injecting Your Children With!nonvaxer420