1. Funny WHITNEY HOUSTON Joke Challenge. Guess the song from the humorous animation!

    Funny WHITNEY HOUSTON Joke Challenge. Guess the song from the humorous animation!

  2. Funny WHITNEY HOUSTON Joke Challenge. Guess the song from the humorous animation! #shorts

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  4. Cali Smog Guy - Pre-96 and older vehicles why you should check the ignition timing before a smog test

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    【七言妙语】第26期 延迟退休【二】中国十四亿人,中国整个的社保基金金额是一千亿美元,名义上说二千五百亿,实际上就一千亿美元,其中96%的钱是给所有的共产党的1.3亿退休干部,13亿老

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