"Football Is Gay." - The NFL (National Football League) | "We'll Convert Your Children. It Happens Bit By Bit. Quietly and Subtly and You Will Barely Notice It." - San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus
"Dr." Fauci on Gov. DeSantis convening an investigation into Covid vaccine injuries in Florida: "Vaccinations have saved 3.2 million lives, 18 million hospitalizations, and approximately $1 trillion in costs. #ROPE
General Laura J. Richardson did a sit down discussion with the Atlantic Council where it sure sounds like she’s saying the US government is trying to arm Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua with brand new U.S. equipment in exchange for them giving their old..
CDC Dep. Dir. Tom Shimabukuro Admits COVID Vaccines Are Causing "Debilitating Illnesses" "We are aware of these reports of people experiencing long-lasting health problems following COVID vaccination" #DamageControl
What a gross piece of propaganda. #FamilyGuy - This Is How They Are Attempting To Normalize The Next Time They Blame The Un-Injected For The Next "Varient"
One of the reasons why the globalists are bankrupting and de-industrializing the west is because they want to make Ukraine the model for the 2030 agenda as demonstrated in Davos.
Footage of the fakestream media ignoring breaking news of the magistrates court withdrawing Covid-19 charges against a man in Adelaide, Australia who was breaking lockdown "rules" for exchanging QR