3 years ago⛓We are connected like links in a chain, but we are not one inflexible homogenous entity 🌊UnlicensedThinker
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3 years agoWearing a face that we keep in a jar by the door, who is it for? All the lonely and broken people 😿UnlicensedThinker
4 years ago“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.” – Marcus AureliusUnlicensedThinker
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4 years ago"Your life is just a choose your own adventure self-help book" 📙 - Cody J. ArikUnlicensedThinker
3 years agoWhat The Fool card teaches us about life and getting rid of resistance 🤹♂️UnlicensedThinker
7 months agoWhen You THINK IT, INK IT. #briantracy #mindset #manifestation #manifestingBillionaireBrainWaves
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