♾️ No Beginning and No End? 5D When? Now or Future? Soon at Least? Purpose or No Purpose? Chicken or Egg First? You or Me? Us or Them? Micro, Macro?.. Mumbo Jumbo.. #Shorts
President Trump’s Promise to Absolutely END the Illuminati—Consider it X10 His 2016 Promise! But Don’t Underestimate the Illuminati’s “Covid X10” 👽 #AllTheWorldIsAstage & #YourVibrationDictatesAllinYourReality
2 Worlds Superimposed Over Each Other 🌎<–>🌎 “Love Profusion” by a Mature-Growing 2004 Madonna with the Love Vibration, Before a Broken Spirit. She Chose Poorly of the 2 Worlds! This Album Was Banned at Radio for Protesting Bush’s War.
Addressing Asleep-As-Anybody-Else Trump Supporters, Particularly of the Christian Slant, and Creating New Diverse Actually-Informative Expos/Conventions/Tours.
Hey Guys 👋🏽 Quick FYI About Rumble’s Issues in Processing Videos at the Moment—I Have Tarot and More Waiting for Ya! The Website is Getting Better and Better by the Day, so Hang in There.
If the Person You Insist on Calling “Your Person” is Not Ready Know This (and No, This May Not be as Comforting as Your Ego Might Hope). Keep Doing You!—and She DOES Mean: Far Away from Them.
WE in 5D: “EXACTLY ME and I Still Get in Trouble for it”—Do You Have the Indigo / Crystal / Lightworker Rebel Gene? It isn’t Always “Buddha” Peaceful or Pretty.. and it Can be Quite Unruly!