Producing Nazis in the U.S. Government: Hiring Already Systemically Infected Without-Integrity Pities and Eventually Introducing Them to the “Golden Handcuffs”. Mimic Not Their Victim and Shortage Consciousness—You Often DO!
The Gift is Your Position to Play a Role Outside of Source to be a Force in Expansion, and You Said Yes with Excitement—Be Grateful. Getting Caught up in the Illusion of the Role Results in Being Stuck on the Karmic Wheel. Heal Within and Thus Without!
This Man Couldn’t Have Been any Nicer Nor Anymore Loving to These Trans Folks, WITHOUT NEED FOR DENYING TRUTH. — Note: All of a Sudden These Liberals Don’t Want to Look at Science, While During Covid They Insisted You Did!
How to F✰ck BOTH Fox and CNN, and Even the Score—Actually, Most Accurately, This is How They Screw and Divide YOU. | Ryan Long #Humor #LifeIsCrazy #DontForgetToLaugh
They Have Appreciative, Grateful, “Higher Vibrationals” in New York City—Don’t Kid Yourself! | April 2023: NYC Taxi Driver Shows Love and Appreciation to Former NYC Mayor, Rudy Giuliani (1993-2001).
Spiritual Teachers Don’t Coddle and “Safe Space” You into Awakening, and They DO Have Requirements for Those Who are Serious and Deliberate About Their Spiritual Journey—as Opposed to the Normie Who Journeys Unknowingly with CRIPPLING Programming.
Ooooohhh……… | A Word to the Wise: No More Secrecy “for the Better of the People”, No More Neo-Con Deal-Making to Avoid Rocking the Boat, and No More Playing Good Illuminati Vs. Bad Illuminati.. if You Know What’s Good for Ya…
Gen Z: ‘Trump! He Just a Real N✰gga!’ | The Awake Portion of This Gen is the Best Example of the First Wave of 5D’ers—Kind, Non-Threatening, BUT REAL and Will Cut You with Words if Need be.. Helpful within Reason, Not Enablers, Minds Their Biz!