1 year agoJunkyard vs Rusty ⚙️Junkyard Scrap⚙️ Hexbug Battlebots #hexbugbattlebots #hexbugvideos #battlebotsTommyandTheGuineaPigCollective
1 year agoHypershock vs Minotaur ⚡️Zapped⚡️ G.P. Battlebots #hexbugbattlebots #hexbugvideos #battlebotsTommy and The Guinea Pig Collective
1 year agoBattleBots Monsoon v BattleBots Cobalt Side By Side - Media from Whyachi Live Streamkillerbotics
1 year agoWhiplash vs The Bot With No Name 🔥Hot Streak🔥 #hexbugbattlebots #hexbugvideos #battlebotsTommy and The Guinea Pig Collective
1 year agoBattleBots team Doomba clears downed tree from sidewalk and part of Las Vegas street! HEROS!killerbotics
1 year agoBattleBots Doomba's Philippe "This is the only part that didn't suck on Pardon My French"killerbotics
1 year agoHydra Happy face walk in? BattleBots Clip From Livestream 10.0 Hydra / FusionTeam KILLERBOTICS
1 year agoBest Team Action Shot? BattleBots Clip From Livestream 10.0 Hydra / FusionTeam KILLERBOTICS
1 year agoDid you know Deathroll was stuck at end of fight? BattleBots From Livestream 10.0 Hydra / FusionTeam KILLERBOTICS
1 year agoWhy does Hydra flip Deathroll so high? GYRO! BattleBots Clip From Livestream 10.0 Hydra / FusionTeam KILLERBOTICS
1 year agoTerrortops Ben tells us the team's biggest inspirations in the design of the bot #battlebotsTeam KILLERBOTICS
1 year agoBronco vs WitchDoctor ☠️The Curse☠️ Hexbug Battlebots #hexbugbattlebots #hexbugvideos #battlebotsTommyandTheGuineaPigCollective
1 year agoBronco vs Biteforce 🐎Stampede🐎 Hexbug Battlebots #hexbugbattlebots #hexbugvideos #battlebotsTommyandTheGuineaPigCollective
1 year agoHypershock vs Barnakills ⚡️K.O.⚡️ Hexbug Battlebots #hexbugbattlebots #hexbugvideos #battlebotsTommyandTheGuineaPigCollective
1 year agoJunkyard vs Hypershock 😱Battered😱 Hexbug Battlebots #hexbugbattlebots #hexbugvideos #battlebotsTommyandTheGuineaPigCollective
1 year agoBlacksmith vs Hypershock ⚡️Powered⚡️ Hexbug Battlebots #hexbugbattlebots #hexbugvideos #battlebotsTommyandTheGuineaPigCollective