CBDC | "If They Effectively Abolish Money, That's Gonna Make Us All Prisoners." - George Galloway (Former Member of Parliament) "Money Is Evolving from a Very Binary Thing to a Very Complicated Thing We Call Smart Money." - Quant.
Artificial Intelligence | "We Have to Solve the Wiring People. There Are People Like Elon Musk That Who Are Trying to Work On Closed Loop Systems Where the Read of the Brain And the Input Into the Brain All Happen Within the Brain." - WEF
CBDCs | "If CBDCs Are to Be Successful, CBDCs Could Not Be Fragmented National Propositions. We Need Systems That Connect Countries. At the IMF We Are Working Hard On the Concept of a Global CBDC Platform." - Kristalina Georgieva
Artificial Intelligence | "The New Technological Innovations Is Changing To a Large Extent Ourselves. It's WHO Is That Effected. If You Look At the Book of Professor Yuval Noah Harari Homo Deus, You See Brain Advancement." - Klaus Schwab
Artificial Intelligence | "We Must Have Democratization of AI Technology And Make It Widely Available. And That's Why You And Me And the Rest of the Team ($1 Billion of Funding from Bill Gates) Created Open AI." - Elon Musk
Vaccines | "None of the Vaccines Are EVER Subjected to TRUE Placebo Trials. Wyeth (Now Pfizer) Went to the Reagan Administration In 1986, the Industry Convinced the President & Congress That Vaccines Are Unavoidably Unsafe." - RFK Jr.
How Does the Average Baby Starseed and Their Parents Typically Interact? They'll Be Called Know-it-Alls for the Rest of Their Human-Avatar Lives—But They'll Accept the Label Quickly Enough AND OWN IT. | #NikkaPlease #RebelGene