2 years agoStephen Miller: Biden is too ADULT, too OLD, too DETERIORATED, too CONFUSED to overrule the MarxistPunugupati Srikanth
2 years agoTucker Carlson: Joe Biden's army is rivaling parts of the Pentagon's forcePunugupati Srikanth
2 years agoVictor Davis Hanson: It's so predictable because it's just MASS DESTRUCTIONPunugupati Srikanth
1 year agoStephen Miller: Every one of those is a basis to IMPEACH and REMOVE this manPunugupati Srikanth
2 years agoMarjorie Taylor Greene: This WAR does serve a very DARK PURPOSE for Joe Biden & Hunter BidenPunugupati Srikanth
2 years agoChris Swecker: The WORST case scenario is that JOE BIDEN, the big A guy, is actually INVOLVEDPunugupati Srikanth