1. SWF Recovery! Proteolytic Enzymes: Healing Faster, Natural Anti-Inflammatory. Whole food and safe!

    SWF Recovery! Proteolytic Enzymes: Healing Faster, Natural Anti-Inflammatory. Whole food and safe!

  2. Spinal Health isn’t Important, is it?!

    Spinal Health isn’t Important, is it?!

  3. What exactly is a “Primary” Healthcare Provider?

    What exactly is a “Primary” Healthcare Provider?

  4. Get the most out of every Adjustment. Adjustment Prep!

    Get the most out of every Adjustment. Adjustment Prep!

  5. Dr. Tim’s wife, Nicole! Infertility issues no more… Endometriosis, PCOS, Chiropractic, Purification

    Dr. Tim’s wife, Nicole! Infertility issues no more… Endometriosis, PCOS, Chiropractic, Purification

  6. Gary 1 Treatment Challenge with FX405! Painful finger after statins is feeling better!

    Gary 1 Treatment Challenge with FX405! Painful finger after statins is feeling better!

  7. Zoe Quadriceps muscle FEELING BETTER after the GVL Laser 1 treatment challenge!

    Zoe Quadriceps muscle FEELING BETTER after the GVL Laser 1 treatment challenge!

  8. Synergy Wellness Erchonia Lasers! The most effective therapy we have ever witnessed!

    Synergy Wellness Erchonia Lasers! The most effective therapy we have ever witnessed!

  9. Not a good idea Buying A Supplement On Amazon and eBay…

    Not a good idea Buying A Supplement On Amazon and eBay…

  10. Tucson Testimonial: Highly recommended, no headaches, no pain. Synergy Wellness, Dr. Tim Harrigan

    Tucson Testimonial: Highly recommended, no headaches, no pain. Synergy Wellness, Dr. Tim Harrigan

  11. Success! Detox, purification, Chiropractic, highly recommended Dr. Tim and Synergy Wellness!

    Success! Detox, purification, Chiropractic, highly recommended Dr. Tim and Synergy Wellness!

  12. Candy avoided surgery and nursing home using chiropractic, nutrition, and laser!

    Candy avoided surgery and nursing home using chiropractic, nutrition, and laser!

  13. Cover Video of Synergy Wellness Dr. Tim! Health and Wellness in Tucson Arizona!

    Cover Video of Synergy Wellness Dr. Tim! Health and Wellness in Tucson Arizona!

  14. It’s impossible in this day and age to get optimal amounts of vitamins/minerals/enzymes/nutrition!

    It’s impossible in this day and age to get optimal amounts of vitamins/minerals/enzymes/nutrition!

  15. Synergy Wellness Testimonial - Mary’s Success!

    Synergy Wellness Testimonial - Mary’s Success!

  16. Synergy Wellness Testimonial - Jim was a skeptic too!

    Synergy Wellness Testimonial - Jim was a skeptic too!

  17. Never too late to start getting healthy! Excuses we hear often... Too old, too late, it’s “genetic”!

    Never too late to start getting healthy! Excuses we hear often... Too old, too late, it’s “genetic”!

  18. Dr. James Chestnut, it’s not the Genes! It’s the ENVIRONMENT we put the Genes in!

    Dr. James Chestnut, it’s not the Genes! It’s the ENVIRONMENT we put the Genes in!

  19. General Explaining the Benefits of Chiropractic to the Military!

    General Explaining the Benefits of Chiropractic to the Military!

  20. Referral Program/Drawing! If you have ever referred to us, you were likely in this drawing!

    Referral Program/Drawing! If you have ever referred to us, you were likely in this drawing!

  21. Carbs in Food, most people don’t think about!

    Carbs in Food, most people don’t think about!

  22. What to expect after Adjustments! Post adjustment & treatment TIPS and REMINDERS

    What to expect after Adjustments! Post adjustment & treatment TIPS and REMINDERS

  23. Stacy FX405 Laser 1 Treatment Challenge! Wrist pain 75% gone after 1 treatment

    Stacy FX405 Laser 1 Treatment Challenge! Wrist pain 75% gone after 1 treatment

  24. Synergy Wellness Testimonial - Kirsten tells all!

    Synergy Wellness Testimonial - Kirsten tells all!
