White Van Song | General Flynn, Dave Scarlett & Clay Clark Are Driving to Branson Missouri Together In the "Legendary" 8-Seat Cloth-Interior White Ford Van
Christine Anderson (European Union Member) | Are Criminal Investigations Actually Underway Into Pfizer and the European Union? + The Inventor the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Tests Explains How They Can Be Used to Falsely Inflate Positive COVID-19 Case
Ian Smith | New Jersey Gym Owner Gets Destroyed In Embarrassing 3 On 1 Arm Wrestling Defeat to David Whited, Seth Keshel and Clay Clark (Next Up...Klaus Schwab)!!!
CBDCs | "With the CBDC, the Central Bank Will Have Absolute Control Over Rules and Regulations and We Will Have the Technology to Enforce That." - Agustín Carstens (General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements & Not a Male Model
New World Order | Why is the Architects Registration Board Insisting on Pledging Allegiance to the Climate Change Orthodoxy as a Condition of Qualifying as an Architect?