1. Trans movement has accelerated amongst the godless, it is the serpent emulating the transfiguration!

    Trans movement has accelerated amongst the godless, it is the serpent emulating the transfiguration!

  2. Darnel is represented in BLM. White Supremacy in Wheat both a Spiritual not based on skin color.

    Darnel is represented in BLM. White Supremacy in Wheat both a Spiritual not based on skin color.

  3. Identifying with White Privilege, White Supremacy and BLM has nothing to do with color of skin!

    Identifying with White Privilege, White Supremacy and BLM has nothing to do with color of skin!

  4. Carry your cross to testify of The Truth or You Will To sacrifice Jesus (truth) to justify your Will

    Carry your cross to testify of The Truth or You Will To sacrifice Jesus (truth) to justify your Will

  5. Matthew 10:34-39 to hold The Truth above all or we kill Jesus/Truth to maintain our will like Baal

    Matthew 10:34-39 to hold The Truth above all or we kill Jesus/Truth to maintain our will like Baal

  6. To carry your cross is to expose yourself to uncomfortable Truths and thereby Hold Truth above self!

    To carry your cross is to expose yourself to uncomfortable Truths and thereby Hold Truth above self!

  7. Matthew 10 is about carry your cross to have a backbone and stand up for Truth! Otherwise Baal!

    Matthew 10 is about carry your cross to have a backbone and stand up for Truth! Otherwise Baal!

  8. The trans movement parallels quantum physics coming into Relativity when male and female is blurred

    The trans movement parallels quantum physics coming into Relativity when male and female is blurred

  9. God gave the world what they wanted with trans taking away God leaves confusion and darkness

    God gave the world what they wanted with trans taking away God leaves confusion and darkness

  10. Adam failed to say no to the woman and the woman reproduced the devil (trans)

    Adam failed to say no to the woman and the woman reproduced the devil (trans)

  11. Genesis 3:15 The Elect of Jesus Christ is supposed to bruise the devil's head with our heel

    Genesis 3:15 The Elect of Jesus Christ is supposed to bruise the devil's head with our heel

  12. If 20 years ago you made a movie about pharmaceutical company making trans meds what would it be?

    If 20 years ago you made a movie about pharmaceutical company making trans meds what would it be?

  13. The horror of these times is to enable a shared fantasy and promote sex transition lies to children

    The horror of these times is to enable a shared fantasy and promote sex transition lies to children

  14. Revelation 18 in The Bible tells us not to partake with the merchants that sell LGBTQ and ESG

    Revelation 18 in The Bible tells us not to partake with the merchants that sell LGBTQ and ESG

  15. LGBTQ friendly companies are bundled or gathered together to be burnt as Matthew 13:40 Jesus states

    LGBTQ friendly companies are bundled or gathered together to be burnt as Matthew 13:40 Jesus states

  16. Those enticing/selling you to choose Jesus or choose God by your will are the serpent of Genesis 3.

    Those enticing/selling you to choose Jesus or choose God by your will are the serpent of Genesis 3.

  17. God prepareth the man in His image; in the image of God He him, a male and a female He prepared them

    God prepareth the man in His image; in the image of God He him, a male and a female He prepared them

  18. The world has been turned over to Baal worship we do not correct the righteous but reward the wicked

    The world has been turned over to Baal worship we do not correct the righteous but reward the wicked

  19. The United States has been exposed and like Masada 72 AD they will serve themselves to Baal!

    The United States has been exposed and like Masada 72 AD they will serve themselves to Baal!

  20. The Blind man of John 9 demonstrates The Power of The Spirit to discern Truth after receiving sight

    The Blind man of John 9 demonstrates The Power of The Spirit to discern Truth after receiving sight

  21. John 9 The Jewish Pharisees out themselves not knowing Joshua or Yahwasua testifying of their evil.

    John 9 The Jewish Pharisees out themselves not knowing Joshua or Yahwasua testifying of their evil.

  22. Pharisees of John 9 are testifying that they are Not The Israelites because they didn't know Jesus!

    Pharisees of John 9 are testifying that they are Not The Israelites because they didn't know Jesus!

  23. The Ominous outcome of "save thyself" and "if thou be" theology of Jews, scientists and will worship

    The Ominous outcome of "save thyself" and "if thou be" theology of Jews, scientists and will worship

  24. John 9:31 shows the worshiper of God and may do His Will as the Thief fulfilled in Luke 23:39-43

    John 9:31 shows the worshiper of God and may do His Will as the Thief fulfilled in Luke 23:39-43

  25. Jude demonstrates the darkness everlasting for those on the left hand of Jesus on the cross.

    Jude demonstrates the darkness everlasting for those on the left hand of Jesus on the cross.
