Brief History: How the Illuminati Achieved Switching Around the Republican & Democratic Parties’ Original Philosophies, Allowing for Annunaki (Rule by SEDUCTION) Infiltration of the Dems and Reptilian (Rule by JUST TAKING) Infiltration of the Reps!
President Trump on Potential VP Picks + Denies His Campaign Reached Out to RFK Jr., But Says He Likes Him a Lot. RFK Jr. Says His Campaign DID Reach Out—One of Them is Fibbing! | WE in 5D: Full Interview Out Later Today!
TRUMP READS (((VIBRATION))) | WE in 5D: This Could Even Repel a Supporter/Fan Who Believes in Grace Just a Little Too Much, BUT Here is Simple Truth... SURE, One CAN Shift Vibration/Change—FEW EVERRR DO #HowManyTimesHaveYouFuckedAroundAndFoundOut?
CAPTURED BY A.I. — Even a 1959 Three Stooges Movie Tells You of the Dark Breakaway Secret Societies' Global Plans with A.I. | Full Movie Linked in the Description, But REMEMBER, it’s Still a Comedy! | #JustForFun #WhatAreTheIlluminatiTellingUs?
Channeler of The 9th Dimensional Pleiadians: How to Deal/Work with That Which You Don't Like—You Have a Right to Discerningly NOT Like it and Have it Leave Your Experience, BUT IF YOU JUDGE IT YOU'RE IN TROUBLE.. it Will Stay with You Forever!
If Elon Musk Already Has His Chip How Much Artificial, But Fairly Accurate Intelligence and Knowledge of the Future Does He Have.. and How Might He Attempt to Manipulate it JUST Like The Black Hats and So-Called White Hats Use A.I. Themselves for?
SO.. YOU THINK BECAUSE YOU'RE "GOOD" YOU'RE GOING TO 5D. Ok! The Negative Aren't Going, BUT Neither are 90% of the "Good". The Meek and Non-Productive Go NOWHERE. You Will Stay with What You Have Created—NOTHING.
A.I. Can Make the Qanon PsyOp Even WORSE, if it’s Not Already Being Used by Any of the Goalpost-Moving Favorite Personalities! | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.
Producing Nazis in the U.S. Government: Hiring Already Systemically Infected Without-Integrity Pities and Eventually Introducing Them to the “Golden Handcuffs”. Mimic Not Their Victim and Shortage Consciousness—You Often DO!
People Who Whine About the Illuminati, Their Symbols, and Hoarded Not-That-Good-Anyway Med Beds Forfeit the Ability to Do Things Like This! | RJ Spina Verifiably Transcends Permanent Paralysis (Supercharged Self-Healing Video).
Jim Self on Forgiveness & Reconciliation, Your Inner -or- Internal Guidance System, and Free Will Vs. Predetermined Path—Which You Picked via Free Will; AKA “Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?” and “Why has God no Beginning and no End?
YOU CAN ACCUMULATE [JUST AS MUCH] NEGATIVE KARMA FROM OVER-GIVING TRUST AND GRACE AS YOU CAN NOT BEING HUMBLE: Never Give Too Much Grace to People—More People Have This Problem Than They Themselves Realize! | Foul Mouthed Spiritualist
President Trump’s Promise to Absolutely END the Illuminati—Consider it X10 His 2016 Promise! But Don’t Underestimate the Illuminati’s “Covid X10” 👽 #AllTheWorldIsAstage & #YourVibrationDictatesAllinYourReality