#GlitchUp Why do all the "Good Doctors" & "PFIZER Lawfare" Folks Always Block Or Ignore When I Confront Them On All Platforms With Document Links & Highlighted Screen Shots??? - START ASKING YOURSELF! 👀👇
Im sure the Mainstream media will have a different story along with an edited clip to show! #BREAKING: Justin Trudeau forced to leave a Vancouver restaurant amidst protests.
Red Wave | Is A Red Wave Headed for America? "I Think the Red Wave That Is Coming Will Be Like the Elevator Doors Opening Up In the Shining." - Joe Rogan
#14 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED - We DEMAND Senate Chairman Wendy Rogers Begin An Immediate Investigation Of The Information Presented At The February 23rd Election Meeting! JOIN The 1-CLICK Email All 110 Legislators & AZ Officials - Takes 2 Minutes!