When Choosing Love [Still] Fails You —OR— When The Angelic Humans Tried to Save The Fallen Annunaki! Is it Time to Learn to STOP Doing This with Your Loved Ones? (Macrocosm/Microcosm) ꧁ Ashayana Deane Seminar/Workshop ꧂
2016 interview with Radio Télévision Suisse, World Economic Forum founder, Klaus Schwab, asserts that humans will have microchips implanted in their brains, and under their skin, by 2026.
This is what the real Humans do to support each other when shit gets tough! 16 year old girl Dazelle is fighting for her life in Australia, is being denied a life saving double lung transplant because she hasn’t had 4 COVID "Vaccines"
'Frankenstein Future': Israel's Bio-Convergence Program and the Merging of Biology and Engineering. "The headlines leave no room for misinterpretation," - CHECK THE DESCRIPTION FOR RECEIPTS!
Yuval Noah Harari | Yuval Noah Harari | "Authority and Power Will Shift Away from Humans to Computers and Most Humans Will Become Economically Useless and Politically Powerless."