7 months agoBiden Just Got COVID: 1. This is an Opportunity for the Illuminati to X Him—"COVID to Get Him Out of the Race"?, 2. Joy Reid Argues Biden Getting COVID is Exactly Like Trump Getting Shot (Stupidity Overload!)WEin5DTarot
3 years agoSweetwater Union High School District distributes COVID-19 testing kits to studentsKGTVVerified
3 years agoCOVID Farce: Leading testing firm dumping test kits in bin while issuing fit-to-fly certificatesTellMeSweetLittleLies
1 year agoPfizer executive admits that the mRNA Covid Vaccines were not tested to stop transmissionSettingBrushfires
2 years agoEGG LAYING BEGINS AGAIN ONLY 2 DAYS AFTER REMOVING POISONED FEEDThe Ascension Diet Eating To Ascend - a resource for truthseekers
3 years agoShatto Home Delivery offers more than groceries, now delivers masks and COVID-19 testing kitsKSHBVerified
2 years agoJen Psaki On Covid Data Not Reflecting Many Cases That Tested Positive With Test Kitfrancislim74