O.P.P. Active Duty Officer Throws A SHOUT-OUT To Our Hero Truckers ❤ Looks Forward To Meeting Them In Ottawa #BearHUG - #NoVaxxPass #NomandatesEVER #TrudeauMustGO
Great turnout today in Corner Brook thank you. Tomorrow we will be in Grand Falls Windsor. We've got your back! #TruckersForFreedom #FreedomConvoy2022 #NLisnotforsale #StrongAndFree #PPC
Ottawa: The vibe is incredible down here!! 🇨🇦♥️🇨🇦 TRUCK YOU TRUDEAU!! THANK YOU TRUCKERS!! 🇨🇦♥️🇨🇦 #freedomconvoy2022 #truckersforfreedom #ConvoyForFreedom