What makes you think they will treat Civilians any different when the "Government" sicks the military on its own citizens??? -MINDLESS ORDER FOLLOWERS!
In 2016, Victoria Nuland told Congress that US advisors serve in 12 Ukrainian ministries, US-trained police operate in 18 Ukrainian cities, the US Treasury helped close 60 Ukrainian banks, and the US spent $266 million on training Ukrainian soldiers.
CIA Director John Brennan visited Kyiv, and Ukraine's new government launched an "anti-terrorist operation" to suppress the protests in Eastern Ukraine. Millions of innocent civilians were caught in the crossfire of a geopolitical chess mat
The Western media's coverage overlooks the US's role in the 2014 coup, Eastern Ukraine's referendums, and the War in Donbas, which culminated in Russia's 2022 invasion.
Tedros: "I have written to and spoken with high level Chinese leaders on multiple occasions... The continued politicization of the [Covid] origins research has turned what should be a purely scientific process into a geopolitical football."
#17 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED - Support From The Legislators, AZ GOP, Candidates, “Grassroots” Groups, Leaders, Influencers & The Media DEMANDING Senator WENDY ROGERS To Begin An Immediate INVESTIGATION Has Been . . . CRICKETS!